Supported Disability Accommodation

Narre Warren Specialist Disability Accommodation


Our Vision

At Seachange Home Care Support Services, our vision and goal is to enable people living with psycho-social disabilities to achieve their goals and lead an independent life.

We are a proud registered NDIS Provider and strive to always provide our clients with the best possible services.

What is Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

Some people with disabilities have unique needs that require specialized housing designed for accessibility and support. We can support you if you have SDA funding in your NDIS plan.

The following provides a brief understanding of how this can help.

This is called specialist disability accommodation or supported disability accommodation (SDA).
Specialist disability accommodation is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high needs.
Specialist disability accommodation may involve a shared home with a small number of other people where you have your own private bedroom.
Specialist disability accommodation is designed to be more accessible for you based on your disability related support needs.
While SDA is important for some, most people can thrive in other living situations with appropriate support. We’ll explore all the options that suit your individual needs.

If you’re eligible for SDA, we’ll help determine your budget for this specialized housing.
Specialist disability accommodation is only one of many support options. There may be other home and living options that better suit your needs and preferences.

Would you benefit from Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

Seachange Care Support Services will take the time to discuss your needs and can help you understand if this is the right pathway for you.

Contact us for further information regarding your unique situation so that we may assist you in finding a plan that fits your needs.